Rock Star!::
posted by Andoi @ 9:59 PM
Weehee.. :) I was a wild rock star.. Hahaha! Anyway, I still have colds and a mild cough. Fortunately, my voice is starting to come back. Hehehe.. :) I have to sleep early because I have PEM tomorrow and we're having a practice at Maisa's place. *Phew*
Missing the SG.... Gawd...
I'm BACK!!!::
posted by Andoi @ 1:18 PM
Hahaha! It's been more than a week since my last blog.. Hehehehe :) I've been quite busy.. (daw!) It was our fair last Thursday (November 13) up to Saturday (November 15), and I think it wasn't as fun because it rained.. Grrrr.... And because it rained, many of my classmates have colds.. Double grrrrr... Anyway, here's a short account of what transpired during the fair.. :)
- Got my ID from Mellow... Ha! Ang ganda ko.. :) Ang ganda naming lahat!!!
- Opening Ceremony (Bianca and I were the emcees. Had to lead the prayer. Nose clogged.)
- Blessing of the fair grounds. (This really, really took a lot of time...)
- Dedication booth.. Heehee.. :) Fun fun fun...
- I bought three undies, a blouse, and a cuff link (?) for 225 pesos...
- I got to watch the Banshees perform.. GO RIVA!!! :D Asteehg!
- I watched ESTEBAND perform with my classmates.. WOOHOO! Ang galing mo BEN!!! :) Heehee.. Ang galing galing ninyo! :)
- Got freebies from RT.. :)
- I went home with my cousin.... Nakakapagod...
- I woke up at 5 in the morning, and thought that our bus service was going to pick me up.
- I had to join my sister instead. My mom was bringing us to school..
- I arrived at around 8 am.. Gawd.. The fair was going to open at 10.. It was a good thing I saw Tania and Joyce. Weehee :) We killed time by going around the trade fair booths. It was actually very windy that morning, and we saw this tent (We thought it was Riva's) 'flying around'. We ran towards it and held it down... No use holding it down. It was too windy.
- Tania and I decided to go out at around 9 am. We left Joyce with Ida.
- We went to McDo, saw Mich, and ate fries and pancakes. Yumyumyum.. :)
- We went back to school at around 10... The line was sooooooooooo long.. Gawd...
- Finally, we got in. We saw Kat, Carina, and Les. They were waiting for Cox and Den.. Tania left and I joined them..
- Dedication booth.. Heehee.. :) I am starting to lose my voice..
- At around 1230 or so, I left the D.B. and checked Uproar (That's our booth..) Saw Bong, My, Aurea, and Serena. Bong and My were supposed to climb but the Kampo Uno people were having their break.
- Bong and I went shopping! :)
- We went back to our booth and saw Mellow, Cox, Les, and company.. :) They were about to ride the caterpillar. I joined them and it was such an experience. I thought I was going to break my neck! Ha!
- We then went to the SportsCom and decided to 'ride' and 'play' in this huge slide thingy.. Heehee.. It was really FUN but after you go in it will really make your head whirl...
- Bought lunch and a new headband with Mellow.. :) Heehee..
- Free show time! Congrats to Sir Aris, Sir Jhun, Sir Macaventa, Sir Castro, Sir Zulueta, Ms. Guerrero, Ms. Aquino, and Juh Moleh (Be, Bogs, and Monique)!!!! You rock!!!! :)
- Dedication booth time again.. Hehehehe :)
- I started to get ready for the acoustic concert, All Strings Attached.. :) Heehee..
- Debra, Macy, Carina, Marj, Bianca, and I went to the 2nd Floor Caf for the concert.. It was sooooo hot, and dark inside.
- We saw Enya and the rest of Tianx, and joined them.
- The SG has just landed. Whoopee! :) *Kilig*
- Jay R is soooooooo hot!!!!!!
- The other performers were really good as well. :) Fun fun night!
- I went home at around 1030.. Sooo tired
- PEM.... Combinations.. New teacher... Late...
- Cox, Mellow, and I ate at Shakey's ... :)
- Went back to school.. Ack! The dedication booth awaits me..
- I got to wall climb for the first time in my entire life. It was such a freaky experience. I thought I was going to slip... AAAAHH!! I told the guy who was holding the rope to put me down, and he didn't. Crap! I had to reach the top, and I did. HAHAHA!
- Dedication booth still...
- I had to leave the D.B. because it was my shift in our booth. 40 climbs. 1400 pesos. 1 cute guy (who smiled at me! But he's sort of young looking.)...
- I remitted at around 540 pm.. Hehehe :) Saw Den's friend (YIKEE!) counting chits.. :)
- I went to Cox's place at around 6. She had to take a bath and get ready for Adnexus (the variety show). Her sister Kim came home and blow dried my hair. Hehehe :) They're so funny.. :)
- We went back to school, and again the line was sooooo long. Gawd! The SecurityCom was checking everyone's attire. It was a good thing Cox decided to wear rubber shoes or else.....
- Finally, we got in. Yey!
- AMBULOPHOBIA.... Denise was really, really (100x) BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! :p And Japoy was soooo cute! Aaaaah!! :)
- 7 ft. Jr., Itchyworms, and Jeepney Joyride played. (They were the only ones I got to watch..) Plus, the Sayawatha wowed us again with their dancing prowess. Go Vany!!! :)
- My dad fetched us at 930 pm. Hehehe.. :) Exhausted
- Tanya said someone was looking for me.. :)
Pheww! Those were the events. Hehehe.. La lang! :) We have no classes today and I'm sort of home alone.. I have a sore throat, and a terrible cold. Crap! And I've got 10 chapters of Ibon to read. Wow.. :) Hehehehe.. Fun..
Oops! I took the DLSUCET last November 9... It was such a pain in the ass.. Grrr.... Super hard!!!!!!! AAAAAGHHHHHH!!!!
I'm Nemo! :p::
posted by Andoi @ 10:42 PM
Yey! I'm Nemo! :)
 What Finding Nemo Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 -Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Talk about girlfriends! Hehehehe :)
Wala akong magawa at inaantok na ako..
Joke time day :)::
posted by Andoi @ 10:01 PM
First of all, we had a physics quiz on Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation. And it was hard.. Difficult, complicated, tough, challenging, demanding, arduous.... Basta lahat na ng kasingkahulugan ng mahirap. :) Hehehe.. Sir Belardo asked us to skip number one first. He forgot the radius of the moon. Anyway, I then answered numbers two and three, and I believe I didn't get the correct answer for number two.. Crap! And after those numbers... come number four... *death* *major death* So I decided to go back to number one since Sir remembered the radius of the moon. I was sooooo confused that I didn't know what to do. It took me around twenty to twenty five minutes to answer the last two problems... Grrrrr... Even though I solved number four with whatever's left of my brain power, I wasn't able to get the right answer (which is so FRUSTRATING!) ... Good thing it's over or else I'd have gone mad.. Hehehehe :p
We're moving to our new house tomorrow! I'm going to miss our old house. I've grown up in this place.... *tear* I'll miss my lil cousins who live next door... I'll miss my lola's place... I'll miss my aunts, and uncles.... I'll my cute neighbors... Hahaha! ... Awwwww.............. *tear* I guess it's all for the better. *sigh*
And Jerry Yan is such a cutie! :p
posted by Andoi @ 10:01 PM
.. Lots of quizzes::
posted by Andoi @ 6:53 PM
 You're living the movie Event Horizon!
?? Which Horror Movie Are You Living ?? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your element is Air. You are an artistic person with a unique sense of style. You are intelligent; although prone to wonder in thought which, prevents you from paying full attention to most things, constantly active and most likely like to sing. Constantly moving the air is a force of nature. One moment you can be a breeze the next a tornado.
What's your element brought to you by Quizilla
Mahangin ako?
 You are Beast!
You are brilliant and extremely clever. You can handle almost any problem swiftly and efficiently. You are devoted to philosophy and are always up for a good discussion. Sometimes, though, your anger gets the best of you and you upset those whom you care about.
Which X-Men character are you most like? brought to you by Quizilla
Haha! I'm the Beast.. :p
More and more quizzes.. :) ::
posted by Andoi @ 6:33 PM
 You are Envy!
Wow... what a dreamer. Always wanting what you can't have, and always dreaming of having more then you do. It's not the worst sin, and we're all guilty of it - but you take it to the extreme! You are prone to depression, often from things you can't obtain. Be a bit more positive, you have a lot that others want too - so don't sit there being all green! On the positive side, you tend to be a smart person - and can often achieve the goals you set yourself.
Congratulations on being the overall harmless, and pretty normal one of the 7 deadly sins :)
?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
Envy?... Hmmmm....
 You're Most Like The Season Winter ...
You're often depicted as the cold, distant season. But you're incredibly intelligent, mature and Independant. You have an air of power around you - and that can sometimes scare people off. You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you rarely let people in if you can help it. You can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily you could be the leader of many. You Tend to be negative, and hard to relate to, but you give off a relaxed image despite being insecure - and secretly many people long to be like you, not knowing how deep the Winter season really is.
Well done... You're the most inspirational of seasons :)
?? Which Season Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
It's funny how my sister and I have the same results.. Hehehe
 Congratulations!! You're a glass of water!! . .. um
What Drink Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Harhar.. How funny! Am I that boring?